Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Direction

I haven't visited this blog for over a year.  It was the first one I started when I moved with my family to Ohio and was commuting from our transition apartment in Beavercreek to Yellow Springs to yoga classes at Yoga Springs Studio.  I write "commuting" because I found myself driving to YS several times a week, practicing yoga and hanging out at the neighboring coffee shop with my laptop after.  I was having a tough time transitioning from what I was familiar with in Michigan to what seemed foreign and horrid in Ohio.  One of the first places I began regularly going was to Unity of Dayton church where I was quickly reminded of what I knew and still know to be true - that outer stuff does not make up the inner - what I am feeling inside can be quickly changed by what I choose to think and how I choose to act.

Three years later I have comfortably settled into the community of Yellow Springs and my husband and  son and I have a house we have lived in two years.  My son just started his 3rd year at a school he was sad to leave for summer vacation three months ago and asking when he was starting again two weeks ago.  I have met some wonderful people whom I feel very fortunate to be around.

This "Peace" blog began as a way to cope with changes in my life and remind me of my blessings and "haves" instead of "have-nots."

I have been toying for sometime about using a blog as a kind of journal/memoir for my work as a performer.  I am not a writer, as anyone who reads this blog and is a writer will soon find out.  I am also not writing about myself for some kind of instant or otherwise fame or to brag or feel puffed up about my accomplishments.  Everything I write at any rate is all from my perspective and especially where acting and entertainment is concerned there is no real end game - only jobs that end until the next (hopefully) bigger and better ones come along.

I have been asked from time to time especially about how I got into voice-over performance, so I thought maybe in blogging I could somewhere along the line shed some light that may help someone looking for answers on this subject.  Then, there are some of the stories where I have worked with big name talent or directors, or met them during certain events or auditions that may be entertaining to some that I will put down - though I am not sure yet how candid I will be.  One thing I have found is that the more known my work gets to the masses, the more people there are criticizing it (speaking particularly to audio book narrating.)  Still, shaking hands with Tom Cruise on a film set I just got done shooting a scene on may be of interest to someone - that one Tom Cruise über fan in Japan or something - who will get a huge kick reading my memories from that experience.  (Then, there will be those who could give a sh-- but I would certainly think if that's the case they wouldn't even bother to be here in the first place, much less leave a disparaging comment criticizing me since they value their time and energy which would be better spent somewhere other than my little blog.)

This blog will take on a new direction, but I will leave it titled "Teri's Peace" because I like the word "peace" in the title (also, because I just don't want to start a third blog and end up with more unfinished or occasionally visited web-crap of mine on the Internet - the second blog being the "My Idiot Mom" blog I do try and post to at least once monthly.)

I have been handwriting notes all summer about various acting experiences over the past 20 years and will include those here, as well as some entries from old journals, some going back to my Chicago days starting out pounding the pavement after getting my theatre degree from Roosevelt University.  It's also going to be rough - as I wrote earlier, I am not a writer and I am not going to spend a bunch of time editing myself trying to be one (though I will try to remember to run spell check before publishing.)

Where to start though?  The beginning.  Why am I a performer anyway?  To be continued...