Monday, September 23, 2013

Teri's Peace: Hendrix Quote

Teri's Peace: Hendrix Quote: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix. My 8 year-old handed me a little...

Hendrix Quote

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix.

My 8 year-old handed me a little piece of paper with this quote on it today. Apparently it was PEACE DAY on Saturday (he told me about this after school on Friday) and boy, did I really miss the blogging boat opportunity that day.

The arts and science teacher that day did a project where each class (4 total) took a letter in PEACE (I suppose one class took two, or something) and the children drew peaceful pictures on the huge, cut-out letter. Each letter was then stuck on a massive piece of poster paper and hung on the window in the hallway, with little pockets of paper holding tiny slips with peace-related quotes on them.

Noticing it this morning during drop-off, my son handed me the Hendrix quote. (The first thing I thought was how totally cool it was to have a Jimi Hendrix anything introduced to my kid at this school.) I thought about the USA Today headlines about the two bombings and acts of terrorism over the weekend against Christians and all the people injured and killed. I thought about the man who opened fire in the DC Naval Yard killing a bunch of people last week and the funeral services held for the victims loved-ones. (Also on the front page was a story - right under the Kenya headlines with a photo of a woman mourning and in pain - about our government's possible shut-down as a result of the President's new proposed health care plan, which in the scope of the other things seems quite punitive.)

Overcoming the love of power.

Also in entertainment news were results and fashion photos from last night's Television Emmy Awards and I know (or I like to say, "Someone knows me...") the best actor recipient. I was pretty excited this morning when I woke up and while starting to watch Big Cat Diary on the Animal Channel before getting my son off to school remembered the Emmy Awards were on last night and found the winner's list on line. I went a little tweet happy too. (Why was this such a thing for me? It's not my award.)

Also in USA Today were the baseball and football results from yesterday's games (and other sports news.) I took in the Tigers and Lions results (Lions beat the Redskins for the first time at home since 1935 when the Redskins belonged to Boston and not Washington - according to my dad, anyway - which I think is a pretty cool stat, but the paper apparently didn't as it wasn't mentioned anywhere I read.)

So, I guess, life just goes on.

(As I posted to my Facebook friends - why is it that some people answer their phone in public - really small inside spaces in some cases, or churches or libraries - and talk really loud with no regard for anyone else around? I hide and get embarrassed when my phone rings.)

Perspective. Picking battles. Not sweating small stuff. Gratitude. Moment to moment. That's where I'm finding my peace anyway.