Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Peace Obstacles

I woke up this morning with some kind of awful heartburn or indigestion right under my solar plexus and above my abdomen.  My husband had to take our son to school and I took Pepto Bismal and went back to bed for two hours.  I woke up again to find I was still uncomfortable, but not as bad as earlier, and decided to shake it off and move around a bit (hoping if I was constipated, maybe that would help shake things up and out so to speak) and I cleaned our apartment (which always makes me feel better anyway - after the face that as).  I'm glad I chose that route and did not cancel my new voice-over student (due here in about 20 minutes) because now I'm feeling good.  When I was vacuuming, I heard myself say one of my favorite swear words - SH-T or the F-bomb or something and this very loud thought popped into my head screaming, "It's Lent!"  Oh, yes.  (See Blog 4).  Lent.  The first day of letting go of negative thinking and swearing and limiting thoughts.  Ah ha.  It's a good thing I'm not keeping score or trying to see how long I can go without a negative thought or swear word because I would very soon tire of the game I'm afraid and give up on this Lenten project all together.  (And, I'm afraid I'm wrong about Lent not being for dieting and giving up chocolate, at least according to a reporter in my Dayton Daily News yesterday who referenced Lent as a time when Christians give up something they really like for 40 days).  Not that I really like swearing or being negative (well, okay, sometimes I guess I do) but to each his own, right?  It's raining outside.  I was hoping for a glorious sunny and warm day marking the first day of my positive thinking journey with light beams and rainbows.  Blockage one: Physical.  Blockage two: The Weather.  Not to worry.  I laugh at you minor obstacles!  There's really something to be said (I digress) for the AA mantra "One day at a time".  Sometimes, it's one moment.  Today, I am open to the possibilities.

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